Návrat na stránku reagujeme

Žiadosť v anglickom jazyku odoslaná ECHR

Svetové združenie bývalých čsl. politických väzňov (SZČPV) reaguje na prijatie sťažnosti bývalého riaditeľa SIS I. Lexu Európskym súdom pre ľudské práva v Štrasburgu.(ECHR)

Právny a dokumentačný výbor zaslal žiadosť ECHR o účasť našej organizácie ako tretej strany v tomto spore v zmysle  ustanovenia 36 § 2 konvencie a v zmysle ust. 44 § 2 súdneho poriadku.

V podaní  uvádzame:

            Svetové združenie bývalých čsl. Politických väzňov je registrovanou neziskovou organizáciou, ktorej cieľmi je  chrániť pamiatku obeti komunizmu. V minulom režime bolo mnoho ľudí násilne unesených komunistickými tajnými službami a práve preto je pre našu organizáciu neprijateľne ak sa považuje vyšetrovacia väzba I. Lexu,  zadržaného Interpolom v JAR s falošnými dokladmi, pre podozrenie z účasti SIS na únose syna býv. Prezidenta za porušenie jeho práv.

            Zahladenie trestnej činnosti únosu amnestiami je neprijateľný akt v každom právnom štáte. Táto skutočnosť potvrdzuje, že na Slovensku existujú skupiny, ktoré sa snažia zbaviť obvinenia tých, ktorí sa podieľali na  únose M. Kováča ml..

Poukazujeme na existenciu rezolúcie OSN 47/133 kde je okrem iného konštatované, že žiadne okolnosti nemajú byť použite na ospravedlňovanie takýchto zločinov.

 V článku 18 tejto rezolúcie sa priamo deklaruje, že takýmto zločincom sa za žiadnych okolnosti nemá udeľovať amnestia a podobne úľavy.

            Prvým krokom k zmiznutiu osôb je vždy násilný únos tak ako v prípade syna bývalého prezidenta. A  ak takýto čin ostane nepotrestaný a nevyšetrený, tak ľudia opäť žijú v neistote, že môžu byť  kedykoľvek unesení ako sa to stalo synovi bývalého prezidenta SR.

            Je všeobecne známe, že na zakrytie zločinu únosu, boli spáchané ďalšie zločiny, za ktoré nikdy neboli zločinci postavení pred sud ako v prípade neobjasnenej vraždy Róberta Remiáša.

Takýto stav vyvoláva vo verejnosti stav právnej neistoty  a okrem toho pošliapava pamiatku obetí komunizmu a preto máme za to, že nám ako organizácii má byť umožnené v záujme výkonu spravodlivosti vstúpiť do konania ako tretia strana a má nám byť preto umožnené komentovať tento prípad písaným komentárom k prípadu.

Naše písomné stanovisko v prípade povolenia účasti ako tretej starne sme pripravení doručiť do 12 týždňov od spublikovania rozhodnutia o prijateľnosti prípadu, čo bolo 5. júla 2005, teda do 5. októbra 2005.


Žiadosť v anglickom jazyku odoslaná ECHR dňa 22.8.2005





F-67075  STRASBOURG                                                     By FAX and Registered Mail


August 22, 2005

Attention:         Sir Nicholas Bratza, President of the 4th Section

                        Michael O’Boyle, registrar

Dear Sir:

Application no. 54334/00

LEXA v. Slovakia

RE: Request for a leave to submit duly reasoned written comments or to take part in a hearing

With reference to decision on the admissibility of the above cited claim published on 5 July 2005, the World Association of Former Czechoslovak Political Prisoners hereby applies for request for a leave to submit duly reasoned written comments or to take part in a hearing, according to the Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2 of the Rules of Court.

The World Association of Former Czechoslovak Political Prisoners is duly registered not for profit non-governmental organization, registered with the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on 6 August  2001, under file number VVS/1-900/90-18819, registration number  ICO:37796542, and having its head office at Poprad in the Slovak Republic. 

The mission of our organization is

A.     based on valid legislation to work towards the rectification of injustices committed during the communist regime to the members and their families;

B.     to reveal and denounce crimes of the communist regime; to gather the documents and information about those persecuted for their political beliefs, way of life and religious conviction; collect archive materials about judicial proceedings and their instigators,  henchmen, and executioners;  and care for preservation of  remembrance of the victims.

C.     based on Universal Declaration of Human Rights, declared on 10. Decemebr 1948 by the General Assembly of United Nations and in accordance of the other documents therefrom and based on Law 125/1996 Coll. develop society activity about immorality and illegality of communist regime.

During communist regime in the former Czechoslovakia thousands of people were arrested and detained, have been abducted against their will, have been forcibly removed from their homes, and or from their country of residence,  and placed outside of the protection of the law.

From the mission of our organization and from our commitment to preserve remembrance of the victims results our goal to secure that such disappearances and forced removal or confinments will never take place again.

We submit that by activities of certain groups to attempt to exonerate the perpetrators of the 31. August  1995 abduction of the son of the former President of the Slovak Republic not only the the remembrance of the victims of communist regime was violated, but also there is now no certainty that such forced removal or confinments would never again be committed and would not result in new victims. Our organization wishes that such injustices would never again be committed.

We state further, that it was proclaimed in the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance by General Assembly of the United Nations No. 47/133 dated 18 December 1992  each state shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent and terminate acts of enforced disappearance. No circumstances whatsoever may be invoked to justify enforced disappearances.

Persons who have or are alleged to have committed offences shall not benefit from any special amnesty or similar measures that might have the effect of exempting them from any criminal proceedings or sanction.

Initial step to any disapearance is forced abduction precisely as it happened in the case of the abduction of the son of the former President of Slovak Republic on 31. August 1995.

In attempt to conceal the act of abuction described above, series of additional crimes have been committed. The Robert Remias‘ car exploded killing him instantly. Remias was close friend of Oskar Fegyveres, the alleged witness to the abduction of the president’s son.  Additionally, we state also that the applicant, Ivan Lexa, lived recently under assumed identity using forged passport in the South Africa. None of these crimes have ever been tried in an open court.

All of these facts are bringing the insecurity into lives of the citizens of the Slovak Republic and are also violating the memory of the victims of the communist regime. For the above reasons it is our position that in the interest of in the proper administration of justice our organization should be allowed to make third-party written comments concerning the above case.

Finaly we submit, that we are in the position to deliver duly reasoned third-party comments by 5 October 1995 that is within the 12 weeks after the final decision on the admissibility of the above cited application.


Dated at poprad this 22nd day of August, 2005


František Bednár, Chairman

I have the authority to bind

the  World Association of Former

Czechoslovak Political Prisoners

TO: ECHR, Strasbourg